Microsoft Dot Net is a useful software development component. It provides tools and libraries to the software developers so that they can create Windows-based applications in a more efficient manner. A Dot Net developer is a software programmer who has specific skills using .Net to develop software and computer applications. For people who are in the midst of looking for developers for your projects, there are some areas you need to take note. You are advised to look for competent programmers who can really assist you to complete your tasks successfully.
First thing first, you need to be clear about the responsibilities of a .Net Developer before you start looking for suitable candidate. Seriously speaking, the programmer is required to:
• Work hand in hand with other software engineers and architects to develop a logical series of instructions referred to as programming code for the computer to communicate with the networks, applications and databases.
• Create new software applications to suit the business needs
• Modify, repair, test and enhance existing applications
After knowing what the developer is required to do, the next area we need to take into consideration is the academic qualification. In general, a programmer should have degree qualification in computer science, information technology or any related discipline. If the programmer is not a degree holder, you may take a look at his or her working experience. If the candidate has extensive experience dealing with .Net development tools, you can consider getting him or her in. Check with the candidate whether he or she is familiar with maintenance of ASP Applications, e-Commerce solution, online education and learning, social networking sites, corporate web applications, and so on.
At the same time, a good dot net developer must be competent in carrying out all the important tasks. It is a must for him or her to have the following skills in:
• Classic ASP
• Microsoft SQL 2000 / 2005
• MS Access
• JavaScript, XML, DHTML, AJAX and CSS
• VBScript and JScript
Frankly speaking, if the programmer does not have the above mentioned skills, most of the employers in the job market are not willing to hire him or her.
Besides the skills, we should also take serious consideration on the general qualities of the programmers. They should have qualities as follow:
• Good passion in work
Having great interest in work is important. The programmers should love and enjoy what they are doing.
• Good learning attitude
Learning is a continuous process. We can’t stop at certain stage. Good developers must have positive attitude in learning. They must always grab the opportunities to learn new technology so that good applications can be adapted.
• Some “intelligence”
Honestly speaking, intelligence is something very subjective. What I mean here is the “personality” of the person. Being a programmer, he or she must be smart and sensitive to respond to all changes. It is important for a programmer to be open-minded and willing to take new challenges from time to time.