Why Bots Are The Future Of Marketing AppDeveloper
March 14, 2017
[ad_1] In the beginning (1966), there was ELIZA - she was the first bot of her kind, had roughly 200 lines of code and was extremely smart. But you probably don't know her. Later, came PARRY who was smarter than ELIZA (and could imitate a paranoid schizophrenic patient). But you probably don't know…
New Digital Marketing and Lead Generation Marketing Tactics for Converting More Leads in 2017 AppDeveloper
March 14, 2017
[ad_1] Facebook Marketing: The Basics of Facebook Ads As a Marketing Tool Facebook also provides a lot of fun things for people to do. It has applications that can let members interact with each other and it also provides a great way for people to communicate with each other. Facebook is now the…
Tips for Putting Together a Social Media Team That Rocks AppDeveloper
March 14, 2017
[ad_1] Having a designated social media team is crucial for your brand building initiatives. It takes lots of careful planning and consistency to make a social media strategy a success. But the key is to first build a team that can deliver great results. The obvious solution would be to hire an SEO…
4 Of the Most Useful Tablet Accessories AppDeveloper
March 13, 2017
[ad_1] A basic or high-end tablet can provide a lot of family fun and practical assistance for those with a busy lifestyle. But, the tablet is more enjoyable with the addition of a few well-chosen accessories. The best options make it possible to improve on the tablets functionality and multiply…
Portable Vs Desktop iPad Stands AppDeveloper
March 12, 2017
[ad_1] A stylish stand creates a safe and convenient place to leave the iPad in the office or at home. If you plan to use the tablet in the kitchen while cooking, to type on an external keyboard, or simply use it while doing something else, you really need to invest in a stable stand. The best…
The Importance of Social Media Marketing Today AppDeveloper
March 12, 2017
[ad_1] Marketing is essential to any business and is generally referred to as the most important aspect of any business strategy. Large companies spend millions of dollars to hire reputed agencies to handle the marketing of their business whereas smaller companies rely on more creative and cost…
Detect Graphics Card Programmatically Using Visual Basic AppDeveloper
March 12, 2017
[ad_1] Detect Graphics Card Name Is it possible to detect the graphics card name from .Net code? Yes it is possible using WMI. But you need to reference the System.Management and import it. Windows Management Instrumentation WMI is a great library which contains the details about various components…