
There are numerous benefits that Facebook groups provide for building your online business, blog and brand. You have total control of the flow of information and communication. Facebook groups are easy to set up and are a great way to build a relationship with your audience, generate leads and eventually sell your products and services.

You Still Need To Build Your Email List

As an internet marketer, you’ll already understand that to grow your business you need to build your email list. Your email list is your greatest asset as it allows you to directly contact people who are interested in your business whenever you want, for free. Facebook is a crowded environment where everyone is trying to engage your prospects. You need to bring them to the more personal, one-on-one, intimate interaction that email provides.

Facebook groups give you access to people in your market or niche that may have never discovered your website or blog otherwise. So how do you move people from your Facebook Group onto your email list?

Growing Your Email List

One way to get your Facebook group members to join your list is to give them an incentive. You most likely already have a squeeze page somewhere online, probably on your website, that builds your list for you.

You can use the same strategy with your Facebook group. Just remember that the people are on these social media sites for information and interaction and don’t like to be sold to. This means the majority of your posts and updates should be provide value and information only.

However, every few posts you should provide a free e-book, checklist, report or some other valuable piece of information in return for that person joining your list.

Link To More Value

Another straightforward way to build your email list from your Facebook group is to link your posts to your website or blog. You should have several list-building elements built-in into your website. This gives your members exposure to that opportunity without directly doing so.

Ask Questions And Answer Questions

One smart way to build your list by means of your Facebook group is to ask your members what problems they need resolving. Put together the top five or ten questions and answers into a report. You can then offer that report in return for joining your email list.

This way, you’re answering questions you already know are relevant to the audience in your marketplace. Then, the probability of people wanting those answers and joining your list is very high.
