
Many couples will relinquish utilizing the birth control shot or other types that function like this when attempting to prevent getting pregnant. Rather they will utilize sterilization. The two most standard types of sterilization is the vasectomy and tubal ligation.


The vasectomy is the function that is performed on the man. During this procedure the surgeon will numb the area with a local anesthetic and make a small surgical incision. When he is in he will separate the vas deferens and tie them off, sear them, or put titanium clips on them. This will assist to keep the sperm from moving from the man and into the woman during intercourse.

This operation can cost between $500 to $1,000 and is performed in the doctor’s office. It takes round fifteen minutes and the man is allowed to go home the same day. He is required to wear a support for close to a week or as long as it takes for him to mend. The majority of men will mend within two days. Yet, it may take at least six to eight weeks before the remainder of the sperm is withdrawn from the body. If he is not careful he is able to get a woman pregnant within that window.

Tubal Ligation

During this operation that operating surgeon will give anesthesia to the woman. While she is sleeping he will open her up and tie, clip, or cut her fallopian tubes to keep the ovaries and eggs from traveling to the womb. When the surgeon is done he will stitch her up and she will have to stay overnight in the hospital.

This operation will cost anywhere between $6,000 to $20,000. It requires more provisions than the vasectomy because a large incision is needed to be made. While the man can recover in two days the woman will take at least six weeks.
