
The key to make your online store unique is to add a perfect amalgam of innovation and flexibility to it. With such a galore of online stores penetrating over the web, it becomes quite intimidating for an online merchant to reach the customers. It has been an evident fact by now that Magento enjoys the biggest slice of the cake when it comes to the world of eCommerce. However, it offers a host of amazing extensions as well which, certainly add exclusivity and greater functionality to the site.

Following here are the top-rated Magento extensions which, help online merchants to bring uniqueness to an online store.


Shipping is a crucial area of concern when it comes to offering a sound shopping experience to online shoppers. While considering this fact, businesses are widely using this popular extension for easing the shipping process which, hosts a range of features including updating orders, sending emails to customers about the status of transit and labels creation.

Price Slider Daffodil

Though, there is a range of factors that determines the nature of shopping but, often it is the price that gets major importance. With this highly valuable extension, online merchants get the scope to allow customers specify their price range, thereby making their shopping experience time-saving and easier.

Fontis SecurePay

Security is of paramount importance in the world of online shopping and it serves as the key to gain customers’ trust as well. Customers tend to buy the product only after ensuring that your online store hosts strict security provisions. Installing the Fontis SecurePay Magento extension allows entrepreneurs to let their customers make payments via the SecureXML gateway, thereby, making the confidential details stay safe.

Magic Zoom

Comprehensive information is what an online shopper seeks for before buying a product. Adhering this fact, businesses are installing this extension to offer customers with the scope of zooming in the desired product and get other useful details about it. Furthermore, it allows customers to view the details from multiple devices including smartphones and tablets thereby, giving the scope to get clear information across varied devices.

Advance News Pro

It is a powerful extension which, allows online merchants to offer customers with updates on the recent achievements and developments. By installing it, users can offer instant notifications to their customers about their products and services. It also allows users to list all the new elements on basis of certain factors and align them in different positions. Moreover, it also hosts a set of dynamic features including hassle-free installation, user-friendly websites and multilingual support.

Extensions serve as the manure to your plant-like online store. The more you make the right use of them, the better your website will function. Thus, installing the aforesaid extensions to your online store will not only help in offering a refined shopping experience but, also promote customer retention, thereby developing a long-lasting relationship with them.
